Friday, November 11, 2011

Following Along

Thank you to everyone for stopping by and all of the kind comments. They have really made my days and are getting me pumped to keep working!

Day 10 for AEDM was spent drawing up some plans in my sketchbook.

I know that I've been a little on the slow side scanning in and prepping to post my projects for AEDM. If you happen to be impatient or want another way of following along, you are welcome to come by and see my more messy shots on tumblr or instagram. If you have the instagram app, you can find me with a search for studiovee.

Once again, thank you for coming by!  I'm off to enjoy the three-day weekend! Be back next week with an update of my weekend projects!


Jennibellie said...

Hi Vee, these plans look cool, I use diamond glaze on beads, I also have a polymer clay glaze that is pretty goos, thanks for stopping by, Jennibellie x

Vee said...

Thanks, Jennibellie! Thanks for letting me know about the beads, I'll give that a try!

Carolyn Dube said...

Oh, I love the look of blueprints! Looking forward to seeing more!

Vee said...

Thanks, Carolyn!

Gwen said...

You must be an 'architect, if so can you re-design my house for me?
Wonderful drawings!!
Gwen xx

Kara Chipoletti Jones of GriefAndCreativity dot com said...

I like how the photo here is a little mysterious... "some plans" you know without telling us more :) I'm definitely hopping over to tumblr now!

nanke's stuff said...

Very nice - I'm terrible at architectural drawing ... maybe using grid paper would help! nancy

Serena Lewis said...

Your sketch plans look great!

Tracey FK said...

I always love blue prints... so full of possibilities....hope you have had a great 3 day weekend... they are just the greatest invention ever

Vee said...

Thank you everyone for all of the lovely comments!

Gwen - I'm not an architect, but I was an interior designer! I've just been gushing over cottages lately!

Nancy - I was getting frustrated because everything I was doing was a little wonky, grid paper helps so much!

Vee said...

Tracey - 3-day weekends rock! :D