time to spill
The first exercise for this week is one in loosening up and letting go - just going with your gut and moving along without really thinking about it.
Usually I get so held on up exercises like this; to just randomly pull stuff that calls to me and putting them all together. As I was ripping pages out of my magazines, I was first afraid to rip them out. The pictures that I was choosing didn't seem to go together and I was afraid of wasting those pages. I forced myself to get over it and ripped away. The more I let myself go, the easier it got - I was able to listen to my gut more. As I turned over one picture to glue down it down, I saw the checkerboard in the back and knew that I had to use that image instead. I loved the way that it all worked out and felt that it really expressed where I am right now.
time to play
The second exercise for this week was to play around and learn more about the materials I have to work with.
When I started working in this journal I didn't like that way that it handled watercolors and gave in to not using watercolors in it whole-heartedly. In this exercise I decided to break out the watercolors again and play no matter the outcome. I found out that the paper could actually do more than I expected if I added a lot of water in the beginning and had more water in my brushes. That was the most fun I've had using watercolors in this journal. I didn't like that I had to add so much water, which in turn took the paper forever to dry and gave the back of the paper a weird, mottled look. But that's another story, I'll talk more about this journal when I'm finished playing around in it.
Good times so far, more to come when I receive (and complete) the next workshop assignment!
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