Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Final Days of AEDM

This past week has been pretty quiet for AEDM, considering that I didn't feel like showing redundant pictures of a very slow going knitting project.  By Day 29 I ended up feeling like I had enough knitting out of my system and was ready to start drawing again.

The problem was that I didn't know what I wanted to draw.  So I ended up grabbing my favorite drawing book, Drawing Lab, and picked the first lab that I opened up to (which happened to be Lab 36: Machines and Inventions).  I have the holidays on my mind!

This was day 29 for #aedm2011 - already thinking about the holidays.
AEDM Day 29 - watercolor pencils, ink, gel pens

On Day 30, I knew that I really wanted to draw the little rhino statue I have had sitting on my desk.

Part of day 30 for #aedm2011 - I made it to the end!!!
AEDM Day 30 - watercolor pencils, poster paint pen

And with that - we're done with Art Every Day Month!


nanke's stuff said...

Ooh, I want one of those little bots to wrap my presents for me .... and bake the cookies .... and decorate the house! The rhino is adorable - I love what you did with the background. nancy

Harvest Moon by Hand said...

Such fun images and vibrant colors! The rhino is so cute!

Gwen said...

Both of your pieces here are unique and charming. I am glad you posted them!

pauline said...

Verna, these are both adorable!! lOVE LOVE the colours & blocks of shapes in your rhino, and the "holiday-bot" is hilarious. love it. VERY creative.
Isn't that Drawing Lab book fabulous?! One of my favorites.
keep posting! (found you via CED)

DeborahS said...

I am enjoying your whimsical holiday bot. Thanks for the book tip- I added to my amazon list!

Vee said...

Thank you so much everyone! I had a lot of fun making them.

Pauline, yes Drawing Lab is FABULOUS! It is one of my most used books.