I actually had to take a break from drawing after trying to do the picture below. This was a pain in the wrist and a test of patience. Not something I plan on doing again, but I at least gave it a try to see if I liked this style. As you can tell from the randomness of late, I'm still trying to grow and find my style.

When I decided to take a step away from my drawing and art, I ended spending my spare time reading the Inheritance series by Christopher Paolini. I had recently picked up the third book in the series, but it had been so long since I read the other two that I decided to start from the beginning and read all three. What was supposed to be a trilogy is now being made in a four-book series. So I sadly need to wait until the one is finally finished up. But since I liked the series so far, I decided it would be fun to draw the books. The above was the final piece, well as final as I was about to take it.
If you looking for a few books to read, I would recommend picking these up. They were pretty fast reads for their sizes.
Thanks for looking and have a great weekend!
that looks like it must have taken a lot of patience...
Yes, it did! A lot more patience than I happen to have. hehe.
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