Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Becoming Mermaids

For about 6 weeks now, I have been participating in an online class called Mermaid Warriors, by Dancing Mermaid.  It is a class that teaches how to teach a 5 day "mermaid warrior" art camp from start to finish.

Below is the front and back of my journal cover for the class (please excuse the glare).

So far, it has been a great experience and fun to work on with my two little ones.  If you want to see some of what the kids and I have been doing for the class, be sure to visit my flickr set.

If you are interested in this class, it's not too late to download the pdfs and videos.  I believe it's well worth the purchase price.  And no, I don't get anything for promoting this.

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1 comment:

Leah said...

beautiful!! it sounds like such a great class! i just love the name of it. :-)